Journal for strategic analyses


SIRIUS - Journal for Strategic Analyses presents articles that address key strategic challenges and options for German, European and transatlantic policy and offer innovative reflections on them.

The spectrum of topics is broad and covers not only traditional strategic issues, but also ranges from overarching strategic questions to individual topics and regional developments. It also deals with internal security issues and the links between domestic developments and international security. The journal also publishes texts of a theoretical nature. These are intended to contribute to an understanding of strategic interrelationships.

The formats range from longer in-depth essays, short analyses and commentaries to overview articles on the current state of research or conference reports. Strategic studies from German and international think tanks and research institutions are also discussed and books are reviewed.

As Editors support ad personam Dr Sarah Kirchberger (Institute for Security Policy at the University of Kiel) and Prof Dr Carlo Masala (University of the Federal Armed Forces MunichThe main task of the quarterly journal SIRIUS is to present serious yet readable scientific articles in an easily accessible manner, which can effectively contribute to the objectification of the German security policy debate.  

Together with the publishing house De Gruyter Brill and the publishers, SW&D decided on January 2022, to make all issues of the journal freely available online. The archive content from 2017 to 2021 is available in Free Access, all articles published from 2022 onwards are published Open Access under the licence CC-BY NC ND.

With the publication of SIRIUS, SW&D aims to offer academics the opportunity to publish their work. At the same time, the foundation enables a broader public to access the results of political science research.

The topics in detail

  • Overarching strategic issues:
    New East-West conflict, motives of Russian security policy, Russian war of aggression against Ukraine, Lines of development of US-Chinese strategic competition, questions of international order-building, international power shifts and their strategic consequences

  • Classic strategic issues:
    Deterrence strategy, strategy and technology, non-proliferation policy, arms control and disarmament, confidence-building measures, defence industry and technology, arms expenditure, arms exports, military aid

  • Individual topics:
    International peacekeeping operations and COIN, terrorism, organised crime, cyber security, space, energy security, maritime security, repercussions of macroeconomic developments on strategic developments, demographic trends and their impact on security

  • Regional developments:
    Eastern Europe, Near and Middle East, Central Asia, South Asia, East Asia, North Africa, Sub-Saharan Africa, South Africa, Latin America, Oceania

  • Internal security issues and links between domestic developments and international security

SIRIUS issues

All issues of the journal SIRIUS are available online through the Open Access licence via the Publisher De Gruyter Brill available:

Current SIRIUS issues

All issues of the journal SIRIUS are available online through the Open Access licence via the Publisher De Gruyter Brill available:

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