
Global Transformation &

German Foreign Policy

The Project "Global Transformation & German Foreign Policy" analysed the current structural change in international relations in order to derive political-strategic options for action for German foreign and security policy. It focussed on two main areas: the internal crisis of the West as a crisis of the international order and the change in international politics towards a strategic opposition.

A workshop, "Russia-China Relations: Emerging Alliance or Eternal Rivals," organised in January 2020 by the Institute for Security Policy at Kiel University (ISPK)the Konrad Adenauer Foundation (KAS) The conference, which was organised by the Russian Federation and SW&D, examined the increasing strategic rapprochement and coordination between Russia and China since the annexation of Crimea in 2014 and looked at strategic interests, empirical evidence for coordination, attitudes of elites and the population, external factors and arguments for and against an alliance. The participants agreed that even without a formal alliance, the intensification of cooperation harbours considerable risks for the security of the USA and its allies in Europe and Asia.

The results of the workshop were summarised in a Anthology under the title "Russia-China Relations: Emerging Alliance or Eternal Rivals?" has been published. The book sheds light on the changes in the relationship between Russia and China and the possible consequences for the USA and its European allies. The English-language anthology contains 16 chapters by 20 internationally renowned authors from ten countries.

Here you get to the Open Access anthology.

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