Online symposium and online workshop

Constitutional expertise in the

political space: expectations,

Experience, responsibility

In 2021, SW&D promoted a Online Symposium and a Online workshop to the Topic "Constitutional expertise in the political arena: expectations, experiences, responsibility" - organised by the Justus Liebig University Giessen (JLU) and the discourse platform Constitution blog. A growing impatience towards constitutional law scholars can be observed in politics and also in the media. This gives constitutional law scholars reason to reassure themselves about the role of constitutional law expertise in the political arena and to seek dialogue with politicians and the media.

The project published a series of short texts as Online symposium on the Verfassungsblogin which legal scholars in German public law commented on the topic. In addition to the texts, a Debate as part of the online symposium published. The occasion was a debate in the media (Verfassungsblog and Welt) and on Twitter (today X) at the end of January 2021 on the constitutional assessment of pandemic-related restrictions on freedom.

The symposium thus marked the start of a public digital workshop with participants from politics, science and the media, in which the expectations and experiences of the political establishment and the question of the responsibility of the scientists giving advice - especially in view of the possible instrumentalisation of their statements by political actors - as well as the role of the media were discussed and reflected upon.

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