Blog series
"The right of democratic decision-making"

Election audit in the audit

The Third blog symposium on the topic of "Election audits in the audit" will be published:

Following the electoral disaster in the German capital Berlin on 26 September 2021, the focus is shifting to the process by which the correct conduct of elections is to be verified and ensured. Is the current election scrutiny procedure up to this expectation?

In this blog symposium, the importance of the electoral review for the infrastructure of democracy will be explored from a legal and political science perspective, as well as the threats posed by specific arrangements in the current situation and the options for reforming it.

The debate is introduced with the contributions "Everything back to square one or keep it up? The electoral review as a test of democracy" by Sophie Schönberger and "For an update of the election audit in the present" by Winfried Kluth.
Further impetus will follow in the next few days.

Contributions to the topic "Election audit in the audit":

The blog series "The right of democratic decision-making" is thus entering the next round!

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